Clinical and Immunological Aspects of the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in the New Coronavirus Infection Covid-19


  • S. A. Bazarova Central Military Hospital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent - Uzbekistan
  • Z. Z. Saatov Central Military Hospital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent - Uzbekistan
  • M. Kh. Nazirova Central Military Hospital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent - Uzbekistan



Monoclonal Antibodies, Interleukin-6, Covid-19


Abstract Views: 38

To date, methods of prevention and treatment of coronavirus infections have not been developed in essence. One of the reasons for this situation may be the peculiarities of the pathogenesis of coronavirus infection and the rapid development of the pandemic, which could hinder the effectiveness of ongoing research. As with any viral infection, with the development and spread of the inflammatory process, viremia develops, that is, the generalization of infection, cytokine secretion becomes uncontrolled, and the concentration of IFNy, IL-1, IL-6, IL-12 in the blood serum significantly increases, in other words, the primary inflammatory reaction enters a new phase — the cytokine storm phase, which manifests itself violently even according to clinical and laboratory parameters. In this regard, adequate therapy aimed at stopping the uncontrolled process induced not so much by viremia as by the associated inflammation is crucial. In this regard, the aim of our study was to study the effect of monoclonal antibodies, in particular the drug "Kazirivimab + Imdevimab"— a combination of recombinant monoclonal antibodies directed against S-protein on the clinical course and laboratory data in patients with a new coronavirus infection –Covid-19.


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How to Cite

Bazarova, S. A., Saatov, Z. Z., & Nazirova, M. K. (2022). Clinical and Immunological Aspects of the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in the New Coronavirus Infection Covid-19. Advances in Clinical Medical Research, 3(4), 15–18.